A couple of months ago I did a 5 days water fast. In summary day 1 and 2 I was light headed, evening of day 3 and whole of day 4 I was super energised and there was a lot of clarity, which made working with clients amazing. I water fasted because I was curious to experience how the physical cleanse feels like, but much more so the mental one. I wanted to see how my mind would react and what patterns would emerge. I'm sharing below a part of my own process in relation to the mind and thoughts and what I do when I'm in the middle of a thought-shitstorm. This is a curated instagram post - which is the place where I share most freely and spontaneously, so if you find this type of sharing useful and want to get it fresh out of the oven follow me there.
Water fasting update: integration is a bitch. The part where I start eating again turned out to be way harder for me than not eating. So many mental patterns are popping up, it is overwhelming at times. I breathe deeply and allow. I scheduled a session with the best therapist I know and I'm grateful (for a second or so :)). Mental cleansing is a big part of why I wanted to do this to begin with. It happens at different times for each person, but it happens. The mind gets noisy, patterns start popping up, there is inner resistance and a whole lot of justifying.